Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- Internet Paper (1)
- Sound (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- 01 (1)
- 02 (1)
- 03 (1)
- Kreislaufwirtschaft (1)
- Nachhaltigkeit (1)
- capabilities (1)
- data-driven services and servitization in manufacturing (1)
- digital servitization (1)
- engineering (1)
- innovation (1)
Smart Services – die effektive Trias aus Produkt, Service und kundenorientiertem Leistungsversprechen – bieten Chancen für produktionsorientierte Unternehmen eine Differenzierung und neue Marktchancen zu erreichen. Der bislang geringe Einsatz von Smart Services zeigt, dass im produzierenden Gewerbe vielschichtige Herausforderungen bestehen, die Bausteine Produkt, Service und Leistungsversprechen zu nachhaltigen und wettbewerbsfähigen Smart Services zu kombinieren, erfolgreiche Geschäftsmodelle abzuleiten und Organisationen auf das Smart-Service-Geschäft anzupassen. Nur die großen Player schaffen dies eigenständig, der Innovationsstandort Deutschland lebt aber auch von seinen Hidden Champions: Kleinunternehmen und Mittelständlern.
Digital Servitization is one of the significant trends affecting the manufacturing industry. Companies try to tackle challenges regarding their differentiation and profitability using digital services. One specific type of digital services are smart services, which are digital services built on data from smart products. Introducing these kinds of offerings into the portfolio of manufacturing companies is not trivial. Moreover, they require conscious action to align all relevant capabilities to realize the respective business goals. However, what capabilities are generally relevant for smart services remains opaque. We conducted a systematic literature review to identify them and extended the results through an interview study. Our analysis results in 78 capabilities clustered among 12 principles and six dimensions. These results provide significant support for the smart service transformation of manufacturing companies and for structuring the research field of smart services.