Document Type
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (4)
- Big Data (2)
- BigPro (1)
- Produktionsmanagement (1)
- SCM (1)
- Störungsmanagement (2)
- Supply-Chain-Management (1)
- reverse supply chain (1)
- system dynamics (1)
Failure management in the production area has been intensely analyzed in the research community. Although several efficient methods have been developed and partially successfully implemented, producing companies still face a lot of challenges. The resulting main question is how manufacturers can be assisted by a sustainable approach enabling them to proactively detect and prevent failures before they occur. A high-resolution production system based on analyzed real-time data enables manufacturers to find an answer to the main question. In this context, Big Data technologies have gained importance since the critical success factor is not only to collect real-time data in the production but also to structure the data. Therefore, we present in this paper the implementation of Big Data technologies in the production area using the example of an actual research project. After the literature review, we describe a Big Data based approach to prevent failures in the production area. This approach mainly includes a real-time capable platform including complex event processing algorithms to define appropriate improvement measures.
Im Forschungsprojekt BigPro wird die Frage beantwortet, wie Big Data aus der Produktion genutzt werden können, um das Störungsmanagement zu unterstützen. Dazu wurde ein Vorgehen entwickelt, das sicherstellt, dass die erforderlichen Informationen in der richtigen Form zu Verfügung stehen und das System zielgerichtet auf- und eingesetzt werden kann. Das Projekt „BigPro“ wird
über das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen des Förderprogramms IKT 2020 – Forschung für Innovationen mit dem Förderkennzeichen 01IS14011 gefördert
In this paper, we firstly present a target system which is deduced to assess the economic profitability of reverse supply chains. Considering this, we analyse process reference models to define relevant components of an appropriate target system.
Subsequently, we define applicable business models which are the basis for the manufacturer to offer new services to its customers on the one hand and to manage a goal-oriented return, recovery and resell of used products and components on the other hand. This will be done based on the morphology methodology in order to understand the characteristics and attributes of reverse supply chains.
Diese Dissertation entwickelt ein Verfahren zur simulationsbasierten Bewertung alternativer Reverse Supply Chains, sodass unter Zuhilfenahme der entwickelten Lösungskomponenten unterschiedliche Gestaltungsoptionen für die proaktive Produktrückführung und -behandlung ex ante bewertet werden können. Neben der expliziten Berücksichtigung der Dynamik und Komplexität von Reverse Supply Chains umfasst diese Dissertation eine Entscheidungsunterstützung zur Auswahl von Geschäftsmodellalternativen.