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- 5G (1)
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- Aachener PPS-Modell (1)
- Additive Fertigung (1)
- Additive manufacturing (1)
- AiF 15270 N (1)
- Anomaly detection (1)
Untersuchungsthemen: Welche Indikatoren beinflussen den Erfolg einer Kooperation? Welche Bewertungsverfahren sind geeignet, um Wirkungszusammenhänge zwischen Nutzenindikatoren und Erfolg der Kooperation zu beschreiben? Wie können die Bewertungsverfahren in ein Diagnose-Instrument integriert werden? FIR. (U903, AiF-Projekt)
Reinforced through the pandemic and shaped by digitalization, today's professional working environment is in a state of transformation. Working remotely has become a vital component of many professions' regular routines. The design of remote work environments presents challenges to organizations of all sizes. By providing a classification, this paper reveals a comprehensive understanding of the fields of design to be considered to establish lasting remote work concepts in organizations. A hierarchical classification with four dimensions consisting of human, technology, organization, and culture, seven design elements and, twenty design parameters indicates to organizations the fields of design that need to be examined. To satisfy both the theoretical foundation and the practical application, design elements are derived by implementing a systematic review of the literature that represents key areas of interest for remote work. Additionally, these are verified and complemented by a dedicated case study research to incorporate practice-oriented design parameters.
Die pandemiebedingt angestiegene Homeofficequote in produzierenden
Unternehmen ist seit Juli 2020 deutlich rückläufig und indiziert ein
geringes Maß an langfristig gestalteten hybriden Arbeitsplatzkonzepten.
Angesichts des Fachkräftemangels besteht Handlungsdruck, eine
attraktive Arbeitsumgebung mit industriellen Tätigkeiten zu vereinbaren.
Um zukunftsorientierte Arbeitsplatzkonzepte zu gestalten, nennt
das vorgestellte Vorgehen systematisch die menschlichen Tätigkeiten
in produzierenden Unternehmen und bewertet deren Remotefähigkeit.
Technologiebasierte Leistungssysteme versetzen den Werkzeugbau am Hochlohnstandort Deutschland in Zukunft in die Lage, nachhaltige Wettbewerbsvorteile zu generieren. Dazu ist es allerdings erforderlich, nicht nur die Technologiebasis in Form von Transponder- und Sensortechnik in das Werkzeug zu integrieren, vielmehr ist es nötig, entsprechende neue Geschäftsmodelle für diese Leistungssysteme zu entwickeln. Außerdem ist sicherzustellen, dass die Geschäftsmodelle auf operativer Ebene auch mit der Technologie harmonieren und die gewonnenen Daten entsprechend in die Auftragsabwicklungsprozesse integriert werden. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt potenzielle neue Geschäftsmodelle für den Werkzeugbau vor und skizziert einen Ansatz zur operativen Integration der benötigten Informationen in die Geschäftsprozesse.
Der vorliegende Beitrag baut auf den Arbeiten eines Forschungsprojekts auf. Das Forschungsprojekt 'TecPro - Geschäftsmodelle für technologieunterstützte, produktionsnahe Dienstleistungen des Werkzeug- und Formenbaus' wird mit Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) innerhalb des Rahmenkonzepts "Forschung für die Produktion von morgen" (Förderkennzeichen 02PG1095) gefördert und vom Projektträger Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Bereich Produktion und Fertigungstechnologien (PTKA-PFT), betreut.
More and more companies in the mechanical and plant engineering industry are transforming their business model and evolving from product to solution providers. Subscription business models play a key role in this development. They enable companies to enter long-term collaborative relationships with customers and thus monetize the potential of Industry 4.0. However, this development is not easy for many companies and is associated with numerous hurdles. One of these hurdles is the development of a suitable range of services tailored to customer needs. In this context, the bundling of individual services to service modules plays a key role in realizing new value propositions. In practice, however, companies often lack an understanding of which services need to be combined in what way to be able to realize new value propositions. Accordingly, the goal of this work is to identify relevant services for subscription business models, to cluster them into meaningful value-adding bundles, and to derive new value propositions accordingly. The new value propositions in turn enable mechanical and plant engineering companies to strengthen customer loyalty and thus achieve long-term economic success.
Industrial companies are moving to a solution driven business by offering smart product service systems (Smart PSS). In addition to an existing portfolio of physical goods and technical services, companies develop new digital services and combine all three offerings to an integrated digital solution business. While the development of new digital services does not pose any major challenges for companies, the successful sale of Smart PSS does. Due to changing customer requirements and value propositions of a solution, the sale of Smart PSS requires new design principles for the sales organization compared to the simple sale of physical goods or technical services. While there are already many publications on the topic of industrial sales in research, the description of Smart PSS in particular represents a new field of research. The combination of both topics is therefore not only interesting from a theoretical point of view, but also has a particularly high practical relevance and impact for industrial companies. This paper therefore describes on the one hand, which characteristics can be used to derive customer requirements for Smart PSS and on the other hand, which effects these requirements have on the sales organization of the industrial company. The design principles give recommendations for the organizational structure, the resources, the information systems and the culture of the company depending on the targeted customer type. In order to identify and describe both the customer requirements and the design principles, two morphological boxes were developed based on a literature research and semi-structured interviews with industrial companies. The paper gives an outlook on the different characteristics of the design recommendations and describes first best practices for the successful transformation of the sales organization.
[CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering:]
This high quality reference work has been written and reviewed by members of The International Academy for Production Engineering, also known as CIRP. This Academy is recognized worldwide to represent the highest standards in research on production engineering, which includes design, optimization, control, management of processes, machines, and systems. One key concept behind this Encyclopedia is that apart from covering fundamental concepts in the field of production engineering, it also closely follows recent developments and emerging concepts. In particular this renewed print edition covers a wide range of new topical entries such as Hybrid Processes, High Performance Grinding, Biomimetic Design, Cold Spray, Sheet-bulk Metal Forming, Ecodesign, Cyber Physical System, Nano Technology, or Geometrical Product Specification. The second edition also comprises reviewed entries from the first version, which have been updated to reflect new standards or developments. The target audience primarily comprises researchers, engineers, managers, graduate students, and many others whose day-to-day work gravitates around production engineering technologies in the global market.
The agricultural industry is facing unprecedented challenges in meeting the growing demand for food while minimizing its impact on the environment. To address these challenges, the industry is embracing technological advancements such as 5G networks to improve efficiency and productivity. However, the benefits of 5G technology must be weighed against the costs of implementing a suitable network. This paper presents cost-benefit dimensions that are needed to assess the economic feasibility of implementing 5G networks for several agricultural applications. The paper describes the costs of deploying and maintaining a 5G network and the benefits of several 5G-specific use cases, including precision agriculture, livestock monitoring, and swarm robotics. Using industry reports and case studies, the model quantifies the benefits of 5G networks, such as enabling new digital agricultural processes, increased productivity, and improved sustainability. It also considers the costs associated with equipment and infrastructure, as well as the challenges of deploying a network in rural areas. The results demonstrate that 5G networks can provide significant benefits to agricultural businesses and provide an overview about the cost factors. Both benefit and cost dimensions are analyzed for the 5G-specific agricultural use cases.
In recent times, both geopolitical challenges and the need to counteract climate change have led to an increase in generated renewable energy as well as an increased demand for clean electrical energy. The resulting variability of electricity production and demand as well as an overall demand increase, put additional stress on the existing grid infrastructure. This leads to strongly increased maintenance demands for distribution system operators (DSOs). Today, condition monitoring is used to address these challenges. Researchers have already explored solutions for monitoring critical assets like switchgear and circuit breakers. However, with a shrinking knowledgeable technical workforce and increasing maintenance requirements, mere monitoring is insufficient. Already today, DSOs ask for actionable recommendations, optimization strategies, and prioritization methods to manage the growing task backlog effectively. In this paper we propose a vision of a grid-level cognitive assistance system that translates the outcome of diagnosis and prognosis systems into actionable work tasks for the grid operator. The solution is highly interdisciplinary and based on empirical studies of real-world requirements. We also describe the related work relevant to the multi-disciplinary aspects and summarize the research gaps that need to be closed over the next years.
Crisis situations can lead to extreme consequences for society and the economy, such as the disruption of supply chains and the collapse of critical infrastructure. The challenge for optimal crisis preparation lies in the unpredictability of causes, duration and scope, and severity. AI-based resilience services can aid in crisis preparation by providing software-based warnings, recommendations, and countermeasures. The aim of this paper is to present a method for evaluating such services in terms of their usefulness and acceptance. A questionnaire is presented, and the results of its piloting phase are disseminated. With these results, existing and projected AI-based services for crisis prevention can be evaluated.