Gerrit Hoeborn
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (14)
- Contribution to a Periodical (8)
- Article (4)
- Internet Paper (3)
- Report (3)
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- Working Paper (2)
- Master's Thesis (1)
- English (18)
- German (16)
- Multiple languages (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (37)
- 01 (2)
- 02 (10)
- 03 (6)
- Agility (1)
- Agilität <Management> (1)
- Business Ecosystems (1)
- Business analytics (2)
- Business ecosystems (1)
- Business-Ecosystems (1)
- Capacity Utilization (1)
With digitalization and automation, today's economy is undergoing fundamental changes. Organizations are facing increasing complexity and dynamism, coupled with demographic shifts that require changing workforce skills and organizational flexibility. To ensure a sustainable competitive advantage, it is necessary to efficiently deploy employees based on demand. In addition, a method for early identification and targeted development of future competencies within an appropriate forecasting horizon is required. Building on theoretical foundations, this paper examines the practical challenges of describing and assessing competencies. It also examines the interrelationships between competencies and between competencies and external factors. The paper categorizes competencies based on hierarchical level and task composition, and examines relationships between competencies and external factors. It proposes a novel multi-dimensional, layered, and dynamic competency model as a holistic approach to competency management and forecasting. Finally, this paper outlines steps for validating and implementing the model, and assesses its potential for practical application in organizations navigating the evolving digital landscape.
Assessing Digital Leadership
Digital leaders play a pivotal role in the success of digital transformation initiatives. They increase the confidence of their organizations during these often risky and disruptive transitions. The most pressing question is how they can lead their companies into a future that is continually shaped by digital innovations. Several methods for effective leadership have been theorized in the past, and many of them have been profoundly substantiated and used in corporate practice. But digital leadership demands a certain set of new dimensions ― both human traits and technical skills ― to meet the challenges of the digital age. These include the concepts of growth mindset, ethical AI, and data focus, among others.
Currently, there is no reliable scale to identify and measure key digital leadership dimensions. Therefore, in this article, we present our efforts toward developing a reliable scale to measure the human dimensions of successful digital leaders. It lays the foundation for a self-assessment tool, which inspires leaders to reflect and improve upon aspects of their leadership necessary to digitally transform their businesses.
Future-Proofing Freight
The European transport landscape, which is increasingly burdened by the risk of natural disasters, pandemics and geopolitical conflicts, requires a rethink in designing and managing of its multimodal transport networks. The Resilient Multimodal Transport Network (ReMuNet) research project is a response to this problem and a beacon of hope for innovation and strategic thinking. This extended abstract provides an overview of the ReMuNet project, in which, after an introduction, the methodology and results are presented.
The ReMuNet project aims to enhance the resilience and sustainability of European freight transport networks in response to disruptive events. By utilizing synchromodal relay transportation, it integrates multimodal logistics approaches to improve network efficiency and adaptability. Core functionalities include the detection and assessment of disruptive events, real-time route planning, and the use of AI to optimize multimodal transport routes. ReMuNet's collaborative platform fosters stakeholder coordination, ensuring capacity allocation and sustainable transport options. Pilot regions focus on geopolitical and ecological challenges, emphasizing lessons from past disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic. This initiative aligns with the European Physical Internet vision, contributing to reduced emissions and robust freight logistics.
The automotive industry's transition to electromobility, marked by the replacement of traditional combustion engines with electric drives, significantly disrupts the existing product range of many companies. This transition is especially impactful in Germany, a major automotive hub employing about 786,000 people in 2021, where it's projected that around 21 percent of these jobs could be at risk by 2030. Therefore, there is an urgent need for German automotive suppliers to adapt to the evolving electromobility landscape, further intensified by concurrent trends like digitalization, work changes and sustainability. A notable gap in the current literature is the absence of a comprehensive capability model for these suppliers to manage this transformation effectively. This research aims to close this gap by identifying the essential transformation capabilities and developing a capability model, emphasizing 30 key capabilities clustered into superordinate dimensions and structured along the fields of action of human, technology and organization, the MTO approach.
Ziel des Forschungsprojekts RAcceptance war die dauerhafte Nutzung der Effizienzpotenziale von Robotic-Process-Automation (RPA) in KMU durch die Förderung der Akzeptanz. Es wurden diejenigen Faktoren bestimmt und adressiert, welche die Akzeptanz der Nutzung von RPA-Software positiv sowie negativ beeinflussen.
Reinforced through the pandemic and shaped by digitalization, today's professional working environment is in a state of transformation. Working remotely has become a vital component of many professions' regular routines. The design of remote work environments presents challenges to organizations of all sizes. By providing a classification, this paper reveals a comprehensive understanding of the fields of design to be considered to establish lasting remote work concepts in organizations. A hierarchical classification with four dimensions consisting of human, technology, organization, and culture, seven design elements and, twenty design parameters indicates to organizations the fields of design that need to be examined. To satisfy both the theoretical foundation and the practical application, design elements are derived by implementing a systematic review of the literature that represents key areas of interest for remote work. Additionally, these are verified and complemented by a dedicated case study research to incorporate practice-oriented design parameters.
Die pandemiebedingt angestiegene Homeofficequote in produzierenden
Unternehmen ist seit Juli 2020 deutlich rückläufig und indiziert ein
geringes Maß an langfristig gestalteten hybriden Arbeitsplatzkonzepten.
Angesichts des Fachkräftemangels besteht Handlungsdruck, eine
attraktive Arbeitsumgebung mit industriellen Tätigkeiten zu vereinbaren.
Um zukunftsorientierte Arbeitsplatzkonzepte zu gestalten, nennt
das vorgestellte Vorgehen systematisch die menschlichen Tätigkeiten
in produzierenden Unternehmen und bewertet deren Remotefähigkeit.
Ziel des Forschungsprojekts OKReady war die Entwicklung eines Konzepts zur Einführung des agilen Managementsystems Objectives and Key Results (OKR) in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (KMU). OKR liefern eine effektive Möglichkeit, die Priorisierungsfähigkeit sowie Kommunikation und Transparenz im Unternehmen zu verbessern, Leistung klar zu messen und Mitarbeiterengagement zu stärken. OKR ermöglicht KMU die Tätigkeiten ihrer Angestellten an einer gemeinsamen Vision auszurichten und Unternehmensziele transparent über alle Hierarchieebenen abzubilden.
Studien zeigen, dass die meisten Business-Ecosystems langfristig an unzureichender Governance scheitern. Daher hat das FIR an der RWTH Aachen eine Entscheidungshilfe entwickelt, die eine Unterstützung zur Auswahl vertragsrechtlicher Instrumente liefert. Dieses Werkzeug richtet sich an Orchestratoren, um Rechtssicherheit zu schaffen und den langfristigen Erfolg des Business-Ecosystems zu fördern.