Wolfgang Boos
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (11)
- Article (6)
- Working Paper (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (18)
- 01 (1)
- 02 (5)
- 03 (12)
- 5G (1)
- AI (1)
- Aachener PPS-Modell (1)
- Additive Fertigung (1)
- Additive manufacturing (1)
- Anomaly detection (1)
- Artificial intelligence (1)
Komplexe Anforderungen an das operative Supply-Chain-Management führen zu komplexen Entscheidungssituationen innerhalb des betrieblichen Alltags. Ein konzeptioniertes, modulares Simulationsmodell für das operative Supply-Chain-Management kann die Entscheidungsfindung auf Grundlage von Analysen und Daten unterstützen. Die Modularisierung ermöglicht eine flexible, effiziente und unternehmensspezifische Anwendung des Simulationsmodells. Die Modularität ist durch die individuelle Kombination geeigneter Module und Funktionen sowie der Abbildung dazugehöriger Informationsflüsse realisiert. Informationsflüsse werden dabei durch definierte Informationsobjekte, wie z. B. einen Fertigungsauftrag oder eine Maschine, spezifiziert. Die Module und Funktionen bilden die unterschiedlichen Prozessschritte ab.
In an era increasingly defined by the relentless advance of climate change, the imperative for sustainable transformation has emerged as a central concern for global organizations. For this transformation the intertwined concepts of decarbonization and digitalisation can offer a blueprint for a sustainable future.
Decarbonization, aimed at reducing carbon-based emissions, is critical in lessening the ecological footprint of businesses. Yet, achieving decarbonization is not a solitary journey but one that necessitates the integration of digitalisation as a pivotal facilitator, enhancing the efficiency and efficacy of this transition.
However, the challenge for organizations lies in devising and executing appropriate strategies for this transformation. Within the framework of the Roadmap.SW research project, a methodology is being developed to aid utilities in accelerating their decarbonization and digitalisation efforts. This involves initially assessing the organization’s current capabilities in digitalisation and decarbonization to then establish a desired future state and to finally outline steps for implementation. This research work extends the acatech Industry 4.0 Maturity Index to encompass additional design domains, incorporating capabilities and maturity levels specific to decarbonization. At the same time, the focus of the target group is changing.
While the original model focussed on Industry 4.0, i.e. the transformation of manufacturing companies, the extension focuses on municipal utilities. This approach not only charts a course for sustainable organizational transformation but also underscores the critical interplay between reducing carbon emissions and embracing
digital advancements.
Circular economy (CE) is considered to be the business model of the future, since it enables decoupling of economic growth and resource consumption. Digitalization is an enabler for companies to accomplish the transition to circular business models, as it enables automated data sharing and usage, but it also poses an enormous challenge. The data required for the implementation of circular business models is generated during the entire life cycle of a product. Digital product passports (DPP) represent a solution for the exchange of product-related data across the entire life cycle and various stakeholders. So far, they have hardly been integrated into production planning and control (PPC) systems. This paper describes requirements, specific use cases and related data flows for an integration of DPP and PPC systems. Finally, a model is presented that enables event-driven creation and use of data for the bidirectional integration of DPP into PPC systems.
Transitioning to a circular economy fundamentally changes the traditional, linear economic model. Establishing circular strategies requires adapting and expanding the roles within the value system to realize the decoupling of economic growth and resource consumption. In particular, a combination of several value-retention strategies implemented in parallel can increase the ecological and economic potential of circular economy. However, there is a lack of description of this type of value system in relation to the new required activities, and the resulting material and information flows within the value system. For this reason, literature research and exploratory analyses through expert workshops were used to identify variants for implementing the value system. The results include the definition of five possible variants of a value system for the parallel implementation of value-retention circular strategies in the white goods industry. The five possible variants are necessary to enable sustainable collaboration strategies between different stakeholders from which all of the stakeholders can benefit. The new activities for enabling the various value-retention strategies, e.g., product evaluation or disassembly, are distributed differently across the stakeholders of the value systems per variant. This leads to distinct material and information flows per variant.
Die notwendige Transformation der Linear- zur Kreislaufwirtschaft ermöglicht die Entkopplung des Wirtschaftswachstums und Ressourcenverbrauchs. Das ökonomische und ökologische Potenzial der Kreislaufwirtschaft wird durch die zeitgleiche Umsetzung mehrere, simultaner Kreislaufstrategien gesteigert. Diese Umsetzungsform bedingt allerdings vielfältige und komplexe Entscheidungen für die operative Abwicklung. Das entwickelte kaskadierte Entscheidungsmodell differenziert diese Entscheidungen innerhalb verschiedener Ebenen des Wertschöpfungssystems.
Die hohen Investitionskosten im Maschinenpark bei metallischer
additiver Fertigung (mAM) führen zur Vergabe von Fertigungsaufträgen
an Auftragsfertiger. Dadurch ist die Bündelung mehrerer Kundenaufträge
in einem Fertigungsauftrag bei den langen Produktionszeiten bei
mAM besonders vorteilhaft. Es fehlt jedoch ein Auftragsabwicklungsmodell, das die Besonderheiten der mAM berücksichtigt. In diesem Beitrag werden die Anforderungen der mAM an die Auftragsabwicklung anhand des Aachener PPS-Referenzmodells untersucht und Prozessänderungen vorgestellt.
Information-based Integration of Life Cycle Assessment into IT Landscapes of Manufacturing Companies
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one of the fundamental methods to facilitate effective decisions in sustainability transformation. However, the current implementation of LCA is inefficient due to detached software applications and manual data imports. Utilizing data from existing information systems offers the potential for a significant increase in efficiency. Existing approaches focus on prototypical implementations with a high level of detail but low transferability, or approaches only consider integration at the system level, whereby practical applicability is reduced. Therefore, this paper presents an information-based framework for integrating LCA software into the existing IT landscape of manufacturing companies with focusing on generic functions and a detailed information flow. The generic approach enables transferability, while the detailed information flows allow practical applicability.
The automotive industry's transition to electromobility, marked by the replacement of traditional combustion engines with electric drives, significantly disrupts the existing product range of many companies. This transition is especially impactful in Germany, a major automotive hub employing about 786,000 people in 2021, where it's projected that around 21 percent of these jobs could be at risk by 2030. Therefore, there is an urgent need for German automotive suppliers to adapt to the evolving electromobility landscape, further intensified by concurrent trends like digitalization, work changes and sustainability. A notable gap in the current literature is the absence of a comprehensive capability model for these suppliers to manage this transformation effectively. This research aims to close this gap by identifying the essential transformation capabilities and developing a capability model, emphasizing 30 key capabilities clustered into superordinate dimensions and structured along the fields of action of human, technology and organization, the MTO approach.
In recent times, both geopolitical challenges and the need to counteract climate change have led to an increase in generated renewable energy as well as an increased demand for clean electrical energy. The resulting variability of electricity production and demand as well as an overall demand increase, put additional stress on the existing grid infrastructure. This leads to strongly increased maintenance demands for distribution system operators (DSOs). Today, condition monitoring is used to address these challenges. Researchers have already explored solutions for monitoring critical assets like switchgear and circuit breakers. However, with a shrinking knowledgeable technical workforce and increasing maintenance requirements, mere monitoring is insufficient. Already today, DSOs ask for actionable recommendations, optimization strategies, and prioritization methods to manage the growing task backlog effectively. In this paper we propose a vision of a grid-level cognitive assistance system that translates the outcome of diagnosis and prognosis systems into actionable work tasks for the grid operator. The solution is highly interdisciplinary and based on empirical studies of real-world requirements. We also describe the related work relevant to the multi-disciplinary aspects and summarize the research gaps that need to be closed over the next years.
In diesem Expert-Paper stellen wir Ihnen den SolutiKo-Ordnungsrahmen vor, der Unternehmen wie ein Kompass auf dem Weg vom Produkt- zum Lösungsanbieter unterstützen soll. Als Orientierungspunkt im Projekt SolutiKo bietet das Paper eine thematische Einführung sowie einen Überblick über die Themen, die im Projekt adressiert werden. Das Expert-Paper richtet sich an Führungskräfte und Mitarbeitende in Unternehmen, die das Lösungsgeschäft aufbauen und optimieren wollen.