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- Doctoral Thesis (1)
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- no (5)
- APS (1)
- Big Data (1)
- Datenmanagement (1)
- IT-Unterstützung (1)
- Industrie 4.0 (2)
- Informationsqualität (2)
- ProSense (2)
- Produktdatenmanagement (1)
- Produktionsplanung (2)
- Produktionssteuerung (2)
Systematization models for taylor-made sensor system applications and sensor data fit in production
Industrial digitalization to realize smart factories is driven by an informatory base of high-resolution data provided by sensor systems on the shop-floor level. The challenge of technical availability of fitting measurement solutions nowadays turns in a struggle of finding the optimal solution for a specific task in an ever-growing sensor market. This paper analyzes and specifies necessary models to systematically derive and describe organizational, technical and informatory requirements for sensor system applications increasing the technological fit for faster integration and lower misinvestment rates.
Systematization models for taylor-made sensor system applications and sensor data fit in production
Industrial digitalization to realize smart factories is driven by an informatory base of high-resolution data provided by sensor systems on the shop-floor level. The challenge of technical availability of fitting measurement solutions nowadays turns in a struggle of finding the optimal solution for a specific task in an ever-growing sensor market. This paper analyzes and specifies necessary models to systematically derive and describe organizational, technical and informatory requirements for sensor system applications increasing the technological fit for faster integration and lower misinvestment rates.
Die Dimension Zeit gewinnt, bedingt durch immer mehr Entscheidungssituationen in immer kürzeren Zeitintervallen, gegenüber Kosten und Qualität an Bedeutung. Dieser Anforderung werden die derzeitigen klassischen Fertigungssteuerungskonzepte nicht gerecht. Daher bestand das Ziel dieser Dissertationsschrift darin, eine differenzierte Betrachtung von Abweichungen zu ermöglichen, um transparent zu machen, bei welchen Abweichungen dringender Handlungsbedarf besteht und wie interveniert werden muss.