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Visualization of big data and network optimization of global inventory in satellite for non and slow movers

  • This research shines a light on the problem of slow moving inventory and obsolete stock. Obsolete stocks is a dead weight for companies, with a high probability of a write-off, tied up captial and warehouse space. The main motivation of this research is the high amount of accumulated obsolete stocks in satellite warehouses across the globe. The main objective of this research is to minimize obsolete stock and understand the insidious transformation of slow movers into obsolete stock as well as prevention of this transformation in the future. Moreover the research will also lightly touch upon visualtization of data using business intelligence using Power BI software. The two princples of this thesis are : complete disposal and preventing write-off of obsolete stocks and managing net inventory levels of slow movers to prevent their transformation to obsolete stock. This research focuses on creating a network between satellites to alleviate the obsolete stock.

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Author:Swaraj Rajiv Kate
Referee:Günther Schuh, Michael Thormann
Advisor:Marcel Faulhaber
Document Type:Master's Thesis
Date of Publication (online):2020/08/25
Date of first Publication:2020/08/25
Release Date:2020/11/27
Tag:big data; inventory optimization; network optimization
FIR-Number:FIR 8988
Institute / Department:FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen
Dewey Decimal Classification:6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 62 Ingenieurwissenschaften