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[Whitepaper] Sales Service - Service technicians as the key to sales success

  • The transformation of the service technician into the customer's most important contact person and the company's most important sales channel requires a sustainable change of the entire company. But the effort is worth it. This insight has already reached many companies, but there is often a lack of a clear idea of how much such a change challenges existing structures. A fundamental change of the company is only possible if all levels and departments recognize the necessity and have a clear idea of their future corporate culture. It is not enough to write down the new values of the company on a piece of foil, each employee must be able to understand and accept his or her own future role.

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Author:Florian DefèrGND, Oliver Treusch
Publisher:FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen
Place of publication:Aachen
Document Type:Working Paper
Date of Publication (online):2020/03/16
Date of first Publication:2020/03/16
Release Date:2020/08/26
Page Number:31
Institute / Department:FIR e. V. an der RWTH Aachen
Dewey Decimal Classification:6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 62 Ingenieurwissenschaften